Benefits of Physical Therapy for Stroke Patients
October 4, 2022
October is Physical Therapy Month.
A stroke often leaves individuals with impairments. Using physical therapy, most patients regain lost function and learn or improve skills that can compensate for lost abilities. The success of rehabilitation depends on specialized health care professionals who coordinate a customized rehabilitation program specifically for the patient. This interdisciplinary team can consist of a physician, rehab nurse, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech-language pathologist, psychologists and neuropsychologists who can address a multitude of special needs that impact patients and their loved ones after a stroke.
A stroke affects each person differently and physical therapy is an essential part of post-stroke recovery.
After a stroke, physical therapy can help:
- Stimulate damaged nerves and muscles
- Recover from loss of muscle function and brain damage
- Maintain circulation to affected muscles and nerves
- Reduce stiffness of affected muscles and nerves
- Relearn movements and activities due to lingering side effects
- Regain mobility and physical strength
- Prevent muscle loss
- Regain he most function and independence possible
The Stroke Rehabilitation Teams at St. Anthony’s, St. Catherine’s and St. Catherine’s West Hospitals work with one important goal in mind: to design individualized programs that help each patient achieve a maximum level of functional independence in order to return home and resume their daily lives. Our rehabilitation hospitals are state-of-the-art medical facilities designed for patients who are medically stable and can benefit from intensive physical therapy in a hospital setting. We feature modern equipment and biomedically advanced devices such as Bioness™, Biodex™, and on-site aquatic centers. We believe successful rehabilitation after a stroke requires a great deal of compassion, support, and encouragement. If you or your loved one has been affected by a stroke and you would like to inquire about our programs, please contact us here.