Meet Deacon Isidoro Villa, Chaplain

October 28, 2020

God Bless You! I am Deacon Isidoro Villa. I am honored to be a Chaplain at Catholic Hospice. Our goal is to serve others by loving them, regardless of their differences, because love is our calling. God has loved us before the universe was created, and loves each of us uniquely, as each of us were created uniquely. All of us have a mission in life and mine is to love through chaplaincy.

By the Grace of God, I became a chaplain. He brought me here not by my own merits or achievements, but because of His Mercy. Remember, God doesn’t call the prepared, He prepares the called. In His mercy and love, God prepared me for this ministry throughout my life. He first guided me to the youth ministry, which led me to become a chaplain in Boys Scout Troop 816. After about 10 years of discernment, I surrendered to God’s will and became a Deacon. After my ordination, I became a Chaplain and shortly after, joined this awesome team!

What I am called to do is share with others the merciful love that our Father is giving me each moment. At Catholic Hospice, chaplaincy is about loving others, especially the vulnerable, sick, dying, and their families. According to our Father, “death” is a door to return to Him. It is the finish line at the end of a race, a course or career, wherein our goal is to learn, to love, and to practice love. Therefore, my philosophy is this: I know that tomorrow, I will return to our Father, so today, I am doing my best each moment to pass my final test to return to the place where He is and where we belong. Some call it Heaven, but its real name is LOVE.